Independent Audit Services Pty Ltd

Social Profiles

    Jeremiah ThumDirector

    area of expertise
    • Audit and Assurance services to Trust Accounts
    • For-Profit and Not-for-profits Entities
    • Charities, etc.
    • Graduate Diploma Program - Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ)
    • Bachelor of Commerce (Finance and Accounting) - Australian National University (ANU)

    A Registered Company Auditor and ASIC Approved SMSF Auditor experienced in providing audit and assurance services to various industries such as government agencies, aged care, engineering and construction, clubs, gaming, financial services (superannuation and insurance), child care, retail, manufacturing and not for profits for more than 12 years.

    People’s comments are included in my linkedin profile.


    Contact details

    Level 1, Suite 1a, 33 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

    Social Profiles

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